Make it Happen with Costa Women

Make it Happen with Lauren Rosenberg - How to Move Forward when the Unthinkable Happens

June 05, 2020 Ali Meehan with Lauren Rosenberg

In the Make it Happen Studio, I talked to Lauren Rosenberg.  Lauren is a part time resident of Estepona.  She has recently published her book “How to Move Forward when the Unthinkable Happens: Love, Light and Liora”.  The first part of her book is the story of losing my daughter at 20 and the second part is a self help book on how to move forward after loss or an unthinkable event with plenty of practical exercises to do. 

What has been the biggest support to you when dealing with the loss of Liora?

Being an energist and knowing how to use the techniques I use in my clinic with my clients.

Without this knowledge I am not sure how I would have coped.

Extract of my book:

“I know that for many, death and grief are taboo subjects. But all of us will experience loss at some point so I want to encourage you to share your grief. If we share our vulnerability with others, we can create much closer bonds. It’s easy to feel that you should shut yourself off when you’re struggling with grief, but I believe it’s better to reach out to those you trust at difficult times. They may have ideas and insights that might help us, and they can also give us the nurturing care we need. It’s when we’re in need that we discover who’s willing to walk alongside us. After all, we would help them in the same way. Sometimes it’s the people we least expect who give us the most support. But if we don’t open up, we’ll never find out. Along with our own strength and resilience, letting others in can help us manage the burden of grief.

We can also check our thoughts and feelings by talking to others. Understanding our feelings can help release us from the guilt or the selfishness we might have about sharing our grief.

Sharing in this way can also help others have a greater understanding of their own feelings and help them become more empathetic. When we share our fears, pain, joy and hopes, we share the universe’s wisdom and its loving care. I’ve heard death referred to as ‘emigrating to heaven’. After my experience, this is how I see death now. I think we are born into a body and leave it when we ‘die’; we still exist, just in a different form. An important point to remember is that the love you have for the person who has passed away will always be with you because love never dies. I don’t like the expression ‘I am sorry for your loss’ as I don’t feel I have lost my daughter. I may have lost the physical part of her, but she is still very much with us. Energy never dies"

Connect with Lauren


Or Facebook: Lauren Rosenberg

Instagram: lauren_fearbusters

Twitter: @FearTips

LinkedIn: Lauren Rosenberg

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